Student Travel Award:

The Helminthological Society of Washington (“HelmSoc”) is excited to introduce our new Student Travel Awards. Any student member of HelmSoc can apply for a Travel Grant of up to $100 to present a talk or poster at the HelmSoc Spring Meeting. The Society will award up to 10 grants* each spring. The amount awarded will depend on the distance traveled, but will minimally cover the cost of registration. Alternately, the student may choose to receive a grant to defray the registration costs for the annual American Society of Parasitology (ASP) meeting if attended in the same year. In this case, the student must present a talk at both the Spring HelmSoc meeting and the ASP meeting. Travel expenses to the HelmSoc meeting or ASP registration will be reimbursed upon submission of receipts after the meeting ends. Students and mentors should be members of HelmSoc, and proof of student status is required. A current HelmSoc member may sponsor students whose mentors are not members.To apply, please click here

*If more than 10 applications are received, the abstracts will be judged competitively, and the top 10 awarded. In this case, oral presentations will be given precedence


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Contact Details

Society Questions: Ashleigh Smythe
Journal Questions: Autumn Smith-Herron
Website Questions: Damien O'Halloran

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